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WorldShift Game (5)
Website for the game, in cooperation with Black Sea Studios.
eCrater.com (2)
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Stork International Ltd. (2)
Real estate website.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Corporate website.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Maria Ilieva (2)
Personal website for Maria Ilieva.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
PeeR to peer (2)
Corporate website.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Saray Club (4)
Website for an ethnic night club.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Transtriumf Holding Inc (2)
Corporate website.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Dimitar Voinov Junior (2)
Personal website for Dimitar Voinov Junior, a creative Bulgarian artist
Apache, HTML
Rofely (2)
Corporate website.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Tonian (2)
Website for cellular phones.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Lentsch (2)
Website for winter sports equipment.
Apache, PHP, MS SQL
Dombi (2)
Meet friends online.
Our team was involved in the design of this site.
Apache, PHP, MySQL, Macromedia Flash MX
BK Trans (1)
Corporate website.
Euro Travel (1)
Travel agency website.
Apache, PHP, Oracle
Bolero Coffee (2)
An auction site for green bean suppliers and coffee equipment manufacturers.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
FindFriend (2)
Find Friends worldwide.
Our team was involved in the design of this site.
IIS 4.0, ASP, MS Access
Mol Flanders (2)
Online books.
Allaire JRun, JSP, Oracle
KN Software (2)
Corporate website.
Apache, DHTML
Webtourist - Hotel Management System (1)
Hotel Management system for Web Tourist.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Link Popularity Tool (2)
Measuring and comparing the popularity of a link.
This tool was developed for Website Clinic.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Backwards Compatibility Viewer (2)
Explore the different HTML versions.
This tool was developed for Website Clinic.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
Browser/HTML Simulator (2)
This tool was developed for Website Clinic.
Apache, PHP, MySQL
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